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Becoming a member means you will benefit from access to and guidance from Richard Cook’s forty plus years’ experience as one of the UK’s leading financial experts, and his more recent work in providing guidance of how to make the best use of the UK’s leading on-line financial services platform –


The extent of the guidance required will depend on many factors including clients’ existing knowledge of investment / pensions, the level of the funds involved, the complexities of their personal / financial circumstances, and the amount of attention they wish to pay to the overall strategy / processes.


Guidance will be provided at a service level which is right for you and will be reviewed from time-to-time to ensure you are receiving the best level of service.


All memberships will receive an annual video meeting, a linked HL account facility (view only), and regular Wealth Shortlist / Hargreaves Lansdown updates. Those who need a little more support will receive more frequent video calls, regular updates on general pension planning / investment matters, and a quarterly detailed analysis of up to three funds in your portfolio.

There may be occasions when the Hargreaves Lansdown service is not right for clients in which case, I can use my extensive range of contacts to source a suitably qualified / experienced regulated financial planner for you.

Ongoing advice fees from a regulated adviser are likely to be in the region of 0.75% - 1,00% per annum (up to £4,000 for a fund of £400,000 compared to £1,200 for The Investment / Retirement Guidance Club).



talk to me?

Simply because I have been there , done it and got the badge. Nice house (mortgage free), large pension fund (all my own work- no large employer paying in), daughters through university and well on the housing ladder, holiday home in the Algarve, and recovered financially from an expensive divorce.

No theory, no text books, just very  practical, down to earth, common sense strategies. And of course doing exactly what I was asking my clients to do.

Maybe, just maybe, a twenty minute conversation with me would set you on the right track (not the expensive divorce. I don’t recommend that to anyone).

  • I was a leading and successful financial adviser for over 30 years. My testimonials page shows you what my clients have to say.

  • I was a tutor for The Chartered Insurance Institute and a Pensions Examiner for The Institute of Financial Planning.

  • I have spoken to Financial Services conferences throughout the world.

  • I am married with two daughters, three grandchildren and three adult step children. We have three dogs and a cat as well as my dressage horse. I am a golfer (bad), love learning about new things, and being on the leading edge of financial services thinking. I am also one of those very strange people who absolutely love public speaking—the bigger the audience the better!

  • People ask me why I don’t retire. Why should I? I still add value to many people’s lives whilst keeping mentally and physically fit. If I am going to live into my 90’s there will be plenty of time for retirement!

  • After selling my Financial Planning practice I was still being asked for help and guidance despite no longer being a Registered Adviser. I discovered I could use on line services to coach people to make good financial decisions for themselves at far lower costs than using a Registered Adviser. And so The Investment and Retirement Coach programme was born.

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This document and our on going services are not personal advice. We'll give you all the help and guidance you need to make your investment and retirement decisions, but we can't advise you. If you're not sure whether you need regulated financial advice we can put you in touch with a suitably qualified and experienced regulated adviser. Because we are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority you will not have access to the Financial Ombudsman Service in respect of any complaints. If you use one of the "no advice" on line services to handle investment transactions they will be Regulated and you will have access to the Ombudsman and The Financial Compensation Scheme in respect of their services.

The value of investments/pension plans can fall or rise depending on market performance. The Retirement Team and The Investment and Retirement Coach are trading names of Capture Success Ltd Reg No 01825075 
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