With rampant inflation, the Ukrainian war, rising interest rates, and political uncertainty, it is perhaps not surprising that many of us are worrying.
It may seem that worrying helps but that is rarely the case.
When I was running my previous business there was plenty to be worried about and I would ask my business partner, “what are we going to do if this happens?” and when he seemed totally calm I would say ” aren’t you worried?”
He would say” I could be if you think that would help?”
It might feel that worrying helps but worrying endlessly about something that may or may not happen and over which you have little or no control doesn’t help.
However, making a plan for what to do IF something may or may not happen in the future does help.
And that is where I come in as a Financial Coach, with over 40 years of experience!
The clients I have helped to sit down and make a financial plan may not have stopped worrying altogether, but they tell me they feel far more confident in, and in control of, their financial future than they did before they had a plan.
So when you catch yourself worrying about your financial future sit down, make a plan and file it away for now.
By all means, review it from time to time but looking at investment performance too often (for example) will bring those worries back and can lead to some very poor decisions.
If you do not have a financial adviser who can help you with your plan, and you don’t feel confident in going it alone, book a free consultation with me and I will see if I can stop you from worrying.
This document and our on going services are not personal advice. We'll give you all the help and guidance you need to make your investment and retirement decisions, but we can't advise you. If you're not sure whether you need regulated financial advice we can put you in touch with a suitably qualified and experienced regulated adviser. Because we are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority you will not have access to the Financial Ombudsman Service in respect of any complaints. If you use one of the "no advice" on line services to handle investment transactions they will be Regulated and you will have access to the Ombudsman and The Financial Compensation Scheme in respect of their services. The value of investments/pension plans can fall or rise depending on market performance. The Retirement Team and The Investment and Retirement Coach are trading names of Capture Success Ltd Reg No 01825075 Tel 07770575122